Saturday, September 27, 2008

Ich Bin Ein Paradigm Shifter

Suzanne Vega blogs about "Tom's Diner" among other things in The New York Times. The timing of this post was perfect given that I've been putting together a few slides for Monday night. Why? Because in this post, Suzanne mentions that her mother is a computer systems analyst, her daughter is very techie (does HTML for fun on a Saturday afternoon), but she is not (or at least doesn't perceive herself to be techie, which is a very female thing, according to the literature). Some mothers nag their daughters about cleaning the house, Suzanne's mother nags her about cleaning out her computer applications.

Suzanne was born in 1959, which places her in the Baby Boomer generation (or in some cases, the Generation Jones generation). And even though she does not consider herself to be techie, she is known as the "Mother of the MP3 player." Because of "Tom's Diner," the sound quality of the MP3 player (created by Karl-Heinz Brandenberg - Suzanne's description of him is great) is what it is today.


ConnectingTheDots said...


ConnectingTheDots said...

Yeah, I also relate to Generation Jones; we're not Boomers! Great video about GenJones and the 2008 Election, with about 20 famous political TV talking heads talkin' 'bout our lost generation:

ConnectingTheDots said...

Yeah, I also relate to Generation Jones; we're not Boomers! Great video about GenJones and the 2008 Election, with about 20 famous political TV talking heads talkin' 'bout our lost generation at the top of this page: